Our Team


TwoSound Media is a National and regional entertainment booking agency. We make music fun, from National headliners to regional touring artist we pride ourselves on securing the best talent for your next event. From arena shows to club venues across the country, TwoSound Media brings the best live music time and time again.

The TwoSound Media staff has worked on award-winning creative campaigns for some of the largest venues in the country. We pride ourselves in maintaining a small-firm feel by treating each client with care and consideration. We’ve hand-picked a high-quality team of agents with the diverse skills needed to solve any problem. No issue is too big or too small. 

We have booked thousands of shows across the country and know the needs of our clients. Feel free to contact our booking agents for your next event...today.

Dave Hufana-615-397-1171 

Mike Bowers-336-460-4655